Private algorithmic hedge fund
Systematic appreciation with a moderate risk and low correlation
Yearly profit target
Minimal deposit
Maximal risk

Absolute return
With our develpoed algorithms and systematic approach in money management, we can achieve absolute returns.

Investing in various asset classes brings interesting opportunities to diversify the overall portfolio of our fund.

Capital protection
Strict adherence to clearly defined trading and risk management rules ensures capital protection.
Atlantis Capital
Your quantum fund
Absolute return
With our mathematical models and systematic approach, we can achieve returns at any phase of the economic cycle whether it is growth, recession, or crisis.
The performance of our fund is not correlated with trends of stock and bond markets, which brings an interesting opportunity of diversification to traditional investment approaches.
Capital protection
A clearly defined level of risk and its strict management connected with the creation of robust mathematical models form the two basic pillars of our company.